
CEDEP Global Executive Education Club – Located in Fontainebleau, France, Operating Globally

A unique collaborative executive education community created by and for the world’s leading companies


When five international companies first established CEDEP in 1971, their vision was to create a unique executive education space that was both managerial and humanistic in scope. Not only would senior managers come together to learn more about the inner workings of organisations, but they would also take a step away from day-to-day operations to reflect on themselves and their organisation.

Fifty years later, CEDEP has evolved into a highly respected executive education club co-run and co-governed by 20 international non-competing companies, including global icons L’Oréal, Renault, Biomerieux, ITT, Bristol Meyers Squibb and Tata Steel.

And remaining true to its roots, CEDEP enables diverse members to share best practice and tackle real-world executive leadership challenges within a collaborative and highly engaged learning community.

“In such a fast-paced and complex world, CEDEP provides senior managers with a safe environment for deep reflection, intellectually stimulating discussions and unrivalled networking,” says Thomas Hinterseer, managing director, CEDEP.
“We believe you can’t think your way into new acting. You can only act your way into new thinking. So we push participants to experiment, reinvent and be bold enough to move outside their comfort zone,” he adds.


CEDEP’s programmes are customised or open to multiple companies and are delivered either in person, online or as a blend of both in small, dynamic and highly participative groups. With a rich ecosystem of members from various industry sectors such as utilities, engineering, financial services, healthcare, logistics and transportation, CEDEP offers a unique opportunity for senior managers to collaborate, brainstorm and self-challenge from different perspectives.

With a rich ecosystem of members from various industry sectors such as utilities, engineering, financial services, healthcare, logistics and transportation, CEDEP offers a unique opportunity for senior managers to collaborate, brainstorm and self-challenge from different perspectives.

“CEDEP’s independence means we operate very differently from a traditional business school,” says Ravi Shankar, programme development director, CEDEP.

“We are free to bring together some of the world’s top academics with experts in business from our extensive network of partners to create leadership development programmes that address specific problems.

“This agile and flexible learning structure means we can go further and dive deeper. For example, we always ask the question ‘why’ at the start of a new program to allow us to look at challenges from different perspectives and define each collaboration’s purpose. This unique approach leads to innovative, highly relevant and actionable learning.”

If you’re looking for a leadership development environment where you can be intellectually challenged, ask unusual questions and discover unorthodox thinking, all within a safe and supportive ecosystem, then please join us.

Contact Mohsen Fattah, head of international business development at CEDEP for more information:

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