
Has the COVID crisis caught you off balance?

New report from Nick Obolensky reveals how leaders and organisations can better prepare for the next disruption

The current COVID crisis has caught a lot of leaders off balance. Many have seen the situation as a “Black Swan,” a major disruptive event, which could not have been foreseen or prepared for. However, according to a new report released from our learning partner, Nick Obolensky, this recent “Black Swan” is just more evidence of the world being in VUCA times. As the pandemic has suddenly made VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) a lot more present for people around the world at the same time, a new report reveals how leaders and organisations can better prepare for the next “Black Swan” using Complex Adaptive Leadership techniques.

Research of the Complex Adaptive Leadership (CAL) alumni around the world has shown most were prepared and have managed well, and certainly better than those around them dealing with the same VUCA context, according to the report.

Discover how CAL can prepare leaders and organisations for the next “Black Swan”.

Nick Obolensky is a faculty on our General Management Programme (GMP) and a global thought leader in the field of organisational leadership in VUCA times.

To learn more about our General Management Programme click here or contact Muriel Pailleux at


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