Participating in CEDEP’s Achieving Managerial Excellence (AME) programme in Fontainebleau is a strong and life-changing experience. Unlike any other executive programme, AME allowed me to deep dive into my personal and professional profile and enabled me to discover myself at a level I never imagined possible.
During nine inspiring days working together with a selective group of high-level managers from diverse industries, and having the honour to be guided by world influential lecturers, I further developed my leadership skills and became deeply aware of business, firm and team context.
This has allowed me to better develop a people-centred culture in my work place and create the context for growth and development. But, more importantly, the network created during this experience has become a powerful coaching group for my current and future career.
The program director created the environment and selected the lecturers to make sure this experience has a real impact in people’s live. And it could not have been done better.
Managers start the program, leaders finish the program. Thank you CEDEP developing such a powerful programme. Please keep doing what you are doing and how you are doing it.